Characters: | Abra Kadabra, Ace of Spades, Adam Strange, Air-Wave, Alexander Luthor, Alfred Pennyworth, Amazing Man, Ambush Bug, Amethyst, Angle Man, Animal Man, Anthro, Anti-Monitor, Aquagirl, Aqualad, Aquaman, Arisia, Atom, Atomic Knight, B'wana Beast, Bat Lash, Batgirl, Batman, Bernie the Brain, Big Sir, Black Adam, Black Bison, Black Canary, Black Condor, Black Lightning, Black Manta, Black Orchid, Black Pirate, Black Spider, Blackbriar Thorn, Blackhawk, Blockbuste, Blok, Blue Beetle, Blue Devil, Bolt, Bouncing Boy, Brain, Brainiac, Brainiac 5, Brainwave, Brother Blood, Bug-Eyed Bandit, Bulldozer, Calvin "Cave" Carson, Captain Atom, Captain Boomerang, Captain Cold, Captain Comet, Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr., Captain Nazi, Captain Storm, Catman, Catwoman, Celsius, Ch'p, Challangers Of The Unknown, Chameleon Boy, Changeling, Cheetah, Chemo, Cheshire, Chlorophyll Kid, Chronos, Cinnamon, Circe, Clayface, Clock King, Cluemaster, Coldsnap, Colossal Boy, Commander Steel, Congo Bill, Copperhead, Cosmic Boy, Cosmic King, Count Vertigo, Crime Doctor, Crimson Avenger, Crimson Dawn, Cyborg, Cyclotron, Dane Dorrance, Darkseid, Dawnstar, Deadman, Deathbolt, Deathstroke the Terminator, Desaad, Detective Chimp, Doc, Doctor August, Doctor Double X, Doctor Fate, Doctor Light, Doctor Mid-Nite, Doctor Mist, Doctor Occult, Doctor Phosphorus, Doctor Polaris, Doctor Psycho, Doctor Regulus, Doctor Sivana, Doctor Spectro, Doctor William Maxwell Magnus, Doll Man, Dolphin, Dove, Dragon King, Dream Girl, Duo-Damsel, Durant, Eclipso, Electrocutioner, Element Lad, Elongated Man, Embra, Enchantress, Enemy Ace, Eradicator, Etrigan/The Demon, Evil Star, Fat Marvel, Felix Faust, Firebrand, Firehair, Firehawk, Firestorm, Flash, Floronic Man, Flower, Fury, Gambler, Geo-Force, Ghost, Gizmo, Godiva, Gold, Golden Gladiator II, Golden Glider, Gorilla Grodd, Gravedigger, Green Arrow, Green Fury, Green Lantern, Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Green Lantern (Guy Gardner), Green Lantern (John Stewart), Guardian, Gunner, Gypsy, Halo, Harbinger, Harlequin, Haunted Tank, Hawk, Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Heat Wave, HellBlazer, Hippolyta, Houngan, Hourman, Human Bomb, Human Target, Huntress, Hyena, Ibac, Icicle, Impala, Invisible Kid, Jack O'Lantern, Jade, Jericho, Jewelee, Jimmy Olsen, JLA, Joe Chill, John Constantine, Johnny Cloud, Johnny Quick, Johnny Thunder, Joker, Jonah Hex, Jonny Double, Josh Coyle, Jr., JSA, Judomaster, Justice League, Justice Society, Kamandi, Kanjar Ro, Katana, Katma-Tui, Kid Flash, Kid Psycho, Killer Frost, Killer Moth, King Savage, Kobra, Krona, Kyle 'Ace' Morgan, Lady Lunar, Lady Quark, Lana Lang, Leslie 'Rocky' Davis, Lex Luthor, Liberty Belle, Lightning, Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass, Lightning Lord, Lili Deneuve, Little Sure Shot, Lois Lane, Lord of Time, Lord Volt, Lori Lemaris, Lt. J.E.B. Stuart, Lyla, Maaldor The Darklord, Madame Xanadu, Malcolm 'Mal' Duncan, Mammoth, Mano, Martian Manhunter, Mary Marvel, Matter Master, Matthew 'Red' Ryan, Mento, Metal Men, Metamorpho, Mirror Master, Miss Liberty, Mon-El, Monsieur Mallah, Morgan Edge, Mr. Mind, Mr. Tawky Tawny, Negative Man, Negative Woman, New Wave, Nicky Walton, Nightshade, Nightwing, Northwind, Nuidis Vulko, Nuklon, Obsidian, Ocean Master, Outsiders, Overmaster, Owlman, Owlwoman, Pariah, Peacemaker, Per Degaton, Perry White, Persuader, Phantom Girl, Phantom Lady, Phantom Stranger, Phobia, Pied Piper, Plasmus, Plastic Man, Poison Ivy, Polar Boy, Power Girl, Power Ring, Prince Ra-Man, Proty II, Psimon, Psycho Pirate, Punch, Pvt. Rick Rawlins, Quakemaster, Queen Bee, Rag Doll, Ragman, Raven, Red Star, Red Tornado, Riddler, Rip Hunter, Rising Sun, Robin, Robotman, Ronal, Roving Ranger, Samurai, Sarge, Sargon the Sorcerer, Saturn Girl, Scalphunter, Scarecrow, Sgt. Rock Shade, Shade: The Changing Man, Shadow Lass, Shadow-Thief, Shaggy Man, Shakedown, Shark, Shatterfist, Shimmer, Shining Knight, Shlagen, Shrinking Violet, Shvaughn Erin, Silent Knight, Silver Ghost, Silver Scarab, Silver Swan, Sinestro, Solomon Grundy, Solovar, Son of Vulcan, Spectre, Speedy, Spike, Sr., Star Boy, Star Sapphire, Star-Spangled Kid, Starfire, Starman, Starro, Steel, Sterling Morris, Steve Trevor, Stripesy, Strong Bow, Sugar, Sumo: the Samurai Warrior, Sun Boy, Sunburst, Super-Chief, Superboy, Supergirl, Superman, Superwoman, Swamp Thing, Syonide, T.O.Morrow, Tall Marvel, Tarantula, Tawny Young, Teen Titans, Tempest, Ten-Eyed Man, Terrance Long, Tharok, The Ape, the Changing Man, The Creeper, The Doom Patrol, The Fiddler, The Mist, The Monitor, The Nighthawk, The Penguin, The Question, The Ray, The Wizard, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunderlord, Timber Wolf, Tomahawk, Tomar-Re, Trickster, Trigger Twins, Ultra Boy, Ultra-Humanite, Ultraman, Uncle Marvel, Uncle Sam, Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters, Valda the Iron Maiden, Validus, Vandal Savage, Vibe, Vigilante, Viking Prince, Vixen, Vulcan, Warlord, Warp, Weather Wizard, White Witch, Wildcat, Wildfire, Wildman, Windfall, Winged Victory, Wonder Girl, Wonder Woman, Xax, Zatanna, Zatara, Zeus | |
This seems to me to be at a strange place in the reading order. I just recently began trying to put all my TPBs in order and it surprises me that this would be after Batman year one and two and a lot of the the legend of the dark knight entries and the man of steel TBPs. On another note, I recognize that a HUGE amount of effort has gone into organizing all of this (this post alone!), and I just want to say thanks for helping me organize my collection!
I understand your confusion – this event technically happens to a ‘different’ batman than the one featured in “Year One” and other Post-Crisis origin books.
However, for new readers it makes the most sense to place here in the Recommended Reading Order – it’s a very hard jumping in point and many people are not that interested in the golden age stuff.
If you’d like to see it in an order that may make more sense from the perspective you mention, try sorting the reading order chronologically. Let me know if that’s not working.
Ahh I see. Thanks for answering so quickly!
No problem, let me know if you have any more questions. It takes me a long time to update the site, so it’s often out of date, but I try to get to questions as quickly as possible.
I’m new to the DC comic universe. I want to start with the definitive origin stories but I’m not interested the in the golden or silver age stuff. I was recommended to start with Crisis on Infinite Earths (since I know who most everyone is) and then go into Batman: Year One and Man Of Steel Vol 1. Is this accurate information?
Yes, that’s basically right. Different people consider different stories to be the best origins, but Batman: Year One is definitely the best (IMHO) for Batman.
I’m not sure how things have changed with New 52 and post New 52, it’s not really the same as the ‘post-crises’ universe on its own. Unfortunately I’m way out of date in my own reading.
Some truly prize articles on this internet site , saved to favorites .