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These are the books just added to the Recommended Reading Order and related lists:

Light Brigade

The Warlord: The Savage Empire

Superman Vs. Muhammad Ali (Deluxe Facsimile Edition)

Legion of Super Heroes: The Great Darkness Saga (Deluxe Edition)

Dead Romeo

Milestone Forever Book 1: Meta Fictions

Milestone Forever Book 2: Hardware Escape

All Star Comics Archives Vol. 3

Superman Archives Vol. 5

Wonder Woman Archives Vol. 2

Batman: The Dark Knight Archives Vol. 4

The Plastic Man Archives Vol. 1

The Comic Cavalcade Archives Vol. 1

The Seven Soldiers of Victory Archives Vol. 2

All Star Comics Archives Vol. 4

Superman Archives Vol. 6

Wonder Woman Archives Vol. 3

Batman: The Dark Knight Archives Vol. 5

Also, they are the first comic entries to use the custom post type infrastructure successfully (without losing all the metadata during the transfer, anyway.)

That means a couple things. First of all, the slugs will be different – all DC books will follow the “http://www.tradereadingorder.com/dc/book-name/” format, for example. Marvel books would be /marvel/book-name/. This is totally different from before, but it’s possible you didn’t notice.

Old permalinks might have a little trouble, but they should be able to redirect.

The backend functionality is different though – they’re not all being placed under /comics/ which is good for the caching, because that would eventually hit a limit on the amount of files able to be in one chache folder.

Also, it means the “next” and “previous” book links will not be conflicting with other lists. So even if a fables and buffyverse book has a similar reading order id (ie, date) they won’t be under the “next” link. And you won’t be seeing blog posts appearing under the next links either.

But that also means that those links will be out of date a bit as we go through and change all of the existing entries to the custom structure, which, as of this time, needs to be done on a book by book basis. Groan.

Well, better now than later!

I also fixed the header so it counts any “post_type” and not just ones that are under the “post” post type… so all the books in the database should be included in that number.

It may go without saying, but if you notice that anything isn’t working for these books, say not showing up in reading orders or data not showing correctly, let me know. But I think everything is finally set.

'post_type' => 'attachment',
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6 Comments Post New »

  1. Marc wrote on at June 25, 2010 1:51 am:

    I’ve been excited about the new Superman vs. Muhammad Ali collection ever since DC announced it. I’ve seen it referred to as Neal Adams’ masterpiece, so I’m anxious to see for myself.


    Ian replied on June 25th, 2010 at 1:52 am:

    Do you think you’re going to pick up the, ahem, “regular” deluxe version or the even more oversized deluxe version?


    Marc replied on June 25th, 2010 at 2:33 am:

    I think just the regular one. In addition to not really needing a book that huge, I believe the bigger one is actually missing the bonus content of the smaller one (and costs more money), so I’ll pass.


    Ian replied on June 25th, 2010 at 3:21 am:


    yeah, I don’t really like super oversized books either. I wanna get wednesday comics at some point but just won’t if it doesn’t fit anywhere. I keep seeing pictures of it on top of people’s shelves or under beds. sorry, I can’t do that – way too ocd.


    Marc replied on June 25th, 2010 at 11:25 am:

    Haha, same here. I’m still bothered to no end by the inconsistent spines of the first Fantastic Four Omnibus and the second oversized Daredevil hardcover…the last thing I need is a book that won’t even fit.


    Ian replied on June 25th, 2010 at 1:26 pm:

    I’ve got a long standing vendetta against Batman Son Of The Demon, Birth Of The Demon, and Bride Of The Demon. Even though they should probably be moved a little bit around in reading order, I just keep them next to each other because of their damn oversized shelf nonsense. That way I don’t have to have them poking out in three different locations.


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