This is a fanmade image, but I couldn’t resist! How cool would it be if they had actually cast and shot a Legion Of Superheroes movie or show when it was running its strongest? The chances of any Legion movie happening now is pretty slim, but if they did it, it would be pretty awesome if instead of going for a modern update, they made it super-retro and stylized.
I’d be crossing my fingers for the direct to video Substitute Heroes offshoot. ;)
Here’s the next set of Silver Age Archives placed on the RRO:
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives Vol. 1
The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 3
Justice League Of America Archives Vol. 3
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives Vol. 2
The Brave And The Bold Team-Up Archives Vol. 1
The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 4
The Doom Patrol Archives Vol. 1 – Great review of this book over at With Great Power!
Justice League Of America Archives Vol. 4
Batman: The Dynamic Duo Archives Vol. 1
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives Vol. 3
Batman: The Dynamic Duo Archives Vol. 2
The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 5
The Doom Patrol Archives Vol. 2
Justice League Of America Archives Vol. 5
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives Vol. 4
The Doom Patrol Archives Vol. 3
The Action Heroes Archives Vol. 1
The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 6
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives Vol. 5
Hey, less than one page worth of Silver Age and Bronze Age Archives left – I might be able to be done with placing the Archives by the end of the day! Sweet!
Marc wrote on at June 27, 2010 9:14 pm:
Thanks for the plug! It’s always appreciated. :)
Have you read any of the Legion of Super-Heroes stuff? I read the first Archive recently and it is really, really, really good. (Really!) I might review it eventually, but it was just long enough ago (three weeks or a month) that I’m starting to forget details, haha.
no prob!
I’ve only read the Bronze Age softcovers and first couple Post-Crisis ones. It was kind of hard to get into without knowing the history.
I didn’t know that the early stuff was really that good – I kind of thought it would be pretty standard superboy style affair (not that I don’t often enjoy that stuff!).
Marc wrote on at June 27, 2010 9:50 pm:
The first Archive has stories starring Superman, Superboy, Supergirl, and finally the Legion themselves. It’s a really great sampling of all the different things that were going on with the Superman character at the beginning of the Silver Age. Definitely one of the best Silver Age DC collections I’ve ever read.
Sounds pretty good – do you know if they’re the same ones as in the showcase? wait, let me check – that’s what this database is for, haha.
hmm, yeah, looks like a lot of the same stuff
I think the Showcase contains the same material. What’s great about the Archive (and probably the Showcase too) is that it collects every single early appearance of the Legion in order, even issues where they only appear for a page or two, so you never feel like you’ve missed anything. There’s at least one issue that doesn’t even have the Legion at all, but introduces a character (Mon-El) who joins the Legion toward the end of the collection.
I think I’ve read that issue in my Phantom Zone collection.
That is cool though. It’s one of those things I didn’t like about some of the early Archives, at least in theory – like how Batman and Detective comics were collected separately.
Yeah, I hate the way that they split up Batman’s and Superman’s Golden Age appearances into three Archives series each, with another one each for the Silver Age. That’s why I like the idea of the Chronicles series, although I wish they’d do a little more to make the Silver Age more affordable in color.
It may come eventually. It’s taken them this long to start collecting Flash and Green Lantern, but.. well, I guess they have to see if it’s worth it. It can’t be as hard as the Golden Age to restore though. At least, I’d assume they’ve still got some of it to reprint from.