You may have noticed a lack of new reviews last night (though hopefully you’re planning on getting in on the new giveaway!)
Here’s the reason:
I’ve gone through and made sure every DC book has the correct era tags! While there were a couple other fixes, the bulk of this update was Modern Age tags – 476 more books are added to that category!
These lists may not get that much traffic on their own, but are insanely useful in filtering. For example, many people want to read just Modern Age Batman. That list has gone from 175 to 315 books!
Remember, there’s a lot of cool stuff you can do with those filtered lists. Want to read just Green Arrow and Green Lantern in the Modern Age? No problem – just put “Green” in the character field!
If you’re having any trouble with the filter, or have questions, let me know.
That’s fantastic Ian! Thank you so much for implementing that. I am definitely in the crowd of people who are really just trying to read a ton of modern DC stuff until I’m caught up then I can go pre-Crisis. The earlier era are fun, but I can only take so much campy Batman here and there. I’ve been reading a book that’s about his first 50 years of publication, and boy oh boy is there some silly ass stuff in that book.
I love me some goofy Batman. In fact, I actually prefer it to most of the “dark” and “brooding” stuff. The ’50s were certainly a bizarre time for the character, but I think it’s fun to see such weird new ideas cropping up from issue to issue. One thing I like about Grant Morrison’s take on Batman is that he’s brought back a lot of that weirdness to the character.
I agree that “Batman punches a crook” gets a little predictable.
I just received an amazon package today that included in it The Black Casebook. I was totally passing that up on my way through the RIP series by morrison because i heard it was just a collection of older issues. Thanks to all the positive comments about it here I decided to order it and look forward to some of the odd tales in it :)
Hate to be a pain Ian but I have thought of a concept this website currently doesn’t have and I think is pretty neat; feel free to tell me I’m wrong if I am and I shall humble retreat to my designated corner…
A Book of the Week Section!!!!!!
Could be chosen out of the books reviewed during that week, i.e. a way for you to publicise books, like Rasl, that when preparing the review you find yourself too busy reading to post the review :P
In a way, the giveaway is kind of a featured book. I’ll think about where I might be able to fit something like this.
Kinda but not all the giveaways have been reviewed, if you pick the book of the week out of the previous weeks reviews then the users can read how awesome the book is. Plus no user will use the affiliate link on the giveaway incase they end up winning the giveaway themselves.
fair enough. I’ll keep the idea in mind. I like it, I’m just not sure where I’d physically fit it.
Could just have it living under the weekly give-away on the sidebar
yeah, maybe right above the featured content? hm.
I think that I’ll be able to do it easiest once I have access to the tags again (we were talking about moving the dc characters to a custom taxonomy.)
I could tag the book of the week, have it show up there, and then tag the next one and it would be replaced.
I don’t want to have to custom code it each time as that’s a big pain, haha
As always the coding side of it is all yours, but I would imagine having to code it each week would suck so a nice code where you can change the book easily would be best.
yeah, I’d also like to set up as much stuff as possible so eventually a moderator or at least beth could help me with it, haha
Yeah it would be nice to see a few more things popping up here and there, like a weekly poll on something like what was the best crisis? etc
Too much to keep track of for one person – I need to focus, really. Reading Orders and Reviews are more than enough to start with.
If this thing does turn into a full time job, I could schedule more varied content.
Until then, feel free to start as many forum threads on any subjects you’d like to discuss. If more people participate there, there will be plenty of content to keep everyone busy. I’ll see what I can do about a way users can post polls in the forum.
This sounds like a good idea, Ian! I’m going to try fooling around with the tags right now and see what I come up with. It’s always fun for me to look at these lists in different ways.
I think that the “issues” field in particular is cool, too. I used it to make a Legends of the Dark Knight list, and so on.
The thing I’m most excited about getting working in the future is the sort by date function. But of course, that’s going to require actually having all the dates in – which the dc books just don’t, not in a usable format.
I think the sort by date function will be particularly useful for me. Legends of the Dark Knight is actually one of the series I’d like to read by publication date, and then I wanted to move to Batman Confidential after that. I know some stories from Confidential take place before ones in Legends and what not, but I don’t think it matters much since they’re all self-contained. Plus I’d like to read all the issues, and I’m afraid if I don’t read them in publication order, I’ll probably skip some accidentally, lol.
How do I see this LotDK list, by the way? I looked in a couple LotDK trades and couldn’t find a link to it.
It’s using the filter tool, instead of an actual tagged list.
I might tag comic titles at some point way down the line (like Action Comics or Detective Comics) and be able to generate lists that way.
But for now you have to type in the title of the comic under the “issue” field in the filtered list tool.
Ah, gotcha! Yep, that’s a handy little list.
It seems like it would be possible to work in some kind of sorting mode toggle, but I haven’t been able to wrap my mind around it yet. Comparatively low priority at this moment, but I’m definitely letting the idea bounce around in my mind cave in case it snags on a solution stalagmite.