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I bet you didn’t expect another one of these so soon!

This is only our second review submitted with the new system, but I think Brian (TRO user -b) did a great job with it. Not only did he submit once – he was patient enough to resubmit a second time in response to my editorial advice. I’ve roughly matched the last random review prize (which was in GBP) and sent him an Amazon gift card for 15 dollars!

I want all of you to know that I value each and every user contribution to this website. Be it an emailed suggestion, comment, forum thread, submitting a review, or just using the site to manage your personal collection – my hobby would be nowhere near as rewarding without people to share it with.

I won’t be able to do these rewards for every review, though I wish I could. Unfortunately, I only make 9 dollars an hour at my current day job. But, having worked in media and press for a fair amount of my young life so far, I do believe in rewarding writing and criticism. So even if it’s just my heartfelt appreciation, or my commitment to match every effort you put into this site (and more), know that I’m doing my best to give back for everything we get. And once in a while, when I can, I’ll try to give you something direct and substantial.

That’s what the giveaways are all about.

When you tell people that your lifelong goal is to be great at sorting comics, they look at you pretty funny.

But I think this site can be a great resource. You guys are helping me build it.

So… Thanks.

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9 Comments Post New »

  1. -b. wrote on at November 1, 2010 6:30 pm:

    Wow, Ian. I don’t know what to say. I noticed the Gift Card email early this morning, but didn’t get a chance to really look at it to realize it came from you. (I thought it was some advertising gimmick! Guess I should have had more coffee.) Thank you so much! I’ve really enjoyed your site so far and can’t wait to see it grow even more. I think I speak for everyone when I say we totally appreciate all the hard work you put into this place.

    So thanks again!


    Ian replied on November 1st, 2010 at 6:31 pm:

    No problem. Just use it for comics and let me know what you get with it. I can’t help being curious! :D


  2. -b. wrote on at November 3, 2010 6:14 am:

    Hey Ian and everyone else,

    Just thought I would mention how I used the Amazon gift card. Instead of just going with one book, I couldn’t help myself and decided to spread it out over 3 books. I ended up ordering the following last night:

    JSA: Strange Adventures
    Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
    Hellblazer: Family Man

    Quite a mix. :) Thanks again for the gift card. And I must say, thanks for the review of JSA Strange Adventures! I never would have decided to get it without that.

    Have a good day everyone.



    daemonicragnorak replied on November 3rd, 2010 at 7:02 am:

    Congratulations -b,

    The Family Man is a good book and I love the links it has the Sandman: Doll’s House, even if it’s only a passing mention.

    I hope you enjoy all 3 of your books.



    Ian replied on November 3rd, 2010 at 9:07 am:

    I don’t remember that! How does it link in to Doll’s House again?


    daemonicragnorak replied on November 3rd, 2010 at 9:12 am:

    In The Doll’s House they have that convention of serial killers, and they mention that there is none sign of the Family Man at this years convention, hinting at him being preoccupied and in this case by Johnny boy. It’s why the Doll’s house sits after The Family Man in my collection, rather than before such as in your continuity. Like I said a very small link though, and trying to keep spoilers to a minimum for -b.


    Ian replied on November 3rd, 2010 at 9:14 am:

    Ah! I totally get that. Maybe I should move it in my order!


    Ian replied on November 3rd, 2010 at 9:16 am:

    yeah, taking a look at it, there’s no reason not to put it right before doll’s house. I’ll handle that in the next update.


    Ian replied on November 3rd, 2010 at 9:07 am:

    haha, interesting you decided to go for it after my mixed review. I’m not sure if I was too harsh or not. Let me know after you finish it ;)

    Any Hellblazer is always a good choice. It was the second series of trades I collected after Swamp Thing.


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