Gotta crash now, but wanted to make a couple notes:
1. The directions/pre publish reminder isn’t really complete, but I added it back in. I don’t want it to take up so much space, but I do want people to understand what to do. will find a balance.
2. There is currently no thumbnail setting box for book entries, which seems to be the only thing missing that my sleep deprived brain can think of right now.
3. I’m probably going to take the entire main post box off of the book entry upload pages and just replace it with a “cover image” upload spot and maybe a little “MISC Note about this book” spot, since we only ever make one line notes about books anyway.
also I really really really really need to set up caching for the site again. It will speed things up a lot.
That’s it for now. This has been a crazy code filled night learning how to get all this custom post type stuff going.