We changed to the wordpress 3.0 system a little while back, but it’s taken me a bit to convert everything to the Custom Post Type system.
Everything should be fine – working better, in fact! – though a couple books that were on both the DC list and Wildstorm list lost some character tagging info – I’ll have to re-tag them.
The lists that have been updated are:
DC Universe and all related reading orders – this one is the one it took a while to finish!
Unplaced Books (all the ones on here are DC books, so they’ve all been changed to DC post type. )
There are a few known issues with the system. For one, the filtering code I had been using doesn’t seem to recognize custom post types. I’m going to try and fix it, but if it doesn’t work I’ll just take it off the sidebar. It’s a shame.
Second, while I fixed the issue where the reading order pages weren’t displaying in the right layout, I still can’t figure out why it says “nothing found for so and so” in the title bar, as if it wasn’t finding any posts when loading the page. Very frustrating. I’ve asked again at the wordpress forums about this, hopefully someone will be able to help us out.
This is a big change, in terms of functionality, so let me know if anything is broken! Thanks guys!