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Ok, I ate up (David, who just moved in, cooks a mean chicken) and am continuing with the Buffyverse updates.

I also added the forthcoming Angel book, Angel Volume 6: Last Angel in Hell.

It was hard to find the exact contents of that online, but I saw it listed as 23-27 and Annual 1 – which seems about right. I’ll correct it when it comes out, if need be.

I was going to add the Willingham run collection as well, but I found so many contradictory listings. Does anyone know if it is “Crown Prince Syndrome” or “Immortality for Dummies?” I’m leaning towards the second, since that’s what it says on the IDW forums, but Amazon still has the wrong listing. I guess I’ll wait on this one. Same for the upcoming Spike trade.

Here are the books:

And with that, the Buffyverse reading order is complete and up to date! It’s actually the first one with the whole list finished! Woo!

Now tomorrow I just have to get it so the characters display correctly on the individual book pages.

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4 Comments Post New »

  1. Steve wrote on at May 3, 2010 7:13 pm:

    Yeah, arc titles for the Willingham stories have been confusing, to say the least! But they do seem to have settled on “Immortality for Dummies” as the title for the first of his collections (http://www.buffytimeline.com/2010/04/idw-solicitations-for-july-2010/). Amazon.com is still out of date (but .ca has it straight; go figure). Hope that helps … keep up the great work!


    Ian replied on May 4th, 2010 at 8:11 am:

    Thanks Steve! I’ve added Immortality for Dummies to the database.

    I just noticed an entry on amazon for another upcoming HC, Crown Prince Syndrome, so I guess that’s the next one. I’ll wait on it and the Spike one, I think.


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