I realized I should put the Amazon and CBDB links in custom fields so they can be used in different ways or places on different pages.
I should also add in fields for isbn number and maybe some other information. I think I was being a little lazy with some of the content since I was only seeing the immediate needs of the front page and not thinking about future expandability.
If everything is in custom field I can export the data easily to xml or whatever and also use it for iphone aps, custom designs for mobile platforms, etc… which will be more important as time goes on. I definitely intend to make this site as mobile friendly as possible – my cell phone just makes phone calls, but in the future I can see being at a tag sale or a bookstore and wanting to be able to call up this data.
The only thing I’m not sure about is divorcing the cover images from wordpress’s default image holding system – I like how it auto resizes and adds the thumbnail with little hassle, so I might keep the uploaded image just through wordpress’s image upload.
(Is the apostraphe in “wordpress’s” correct? haha