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All the Fables posts are now switched over to the new system.

They were the smallest set that gets its own custom post type, so it was the easiest to pull out of the giant regular “post” pool. I know this probably doesn’t seem like a big update to most of you (besides the fact that I have to change them book by book at this point) but it does mean that I can now tag Fables characters in the books, for example, and you could generate lists by those tags.

I gotta figure out some way of converting all the regular post tags to DC Universe Character tags before really moving the bulk of the DC books.. so those will probably be last (although any new reading order placements will also be moved as I place). But I’ll have the majority of the others moved fairly soon.

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5 Comments Post New »

  1. HellBlazerRaiser wrote on at June 26, 2010 11:26 am:

    The CINDERELLA mini-series is set between WAR AND PIECES and THE DARK AGES.


    Ian replied on June 26th, 2010 at 12:25 pm:

    Thanks for the info! Is that the best place to read it at, then?

    I’ll move it when I get home.


  2. HellBlazerRaiser wrote on at June 26, 2010 12:34 pm:

    The story can pretty much be read on its own, without having to read the rest of the series, but there are bits of dialogue/narration that indicate its set between WAR AND PIECES and THE DARK AGES.


    Ian replied on June 26th, 2010 at 3:58 pm:

    Sounds good – I’ll place it there for now. Thanks!


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    Pingback on at June 27, 2010 12:47 pm:

    […] the advice of HellblazerRaiser I’ve moved Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love over to right before The Dark […]

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