Update: This giveaway is now over and winners will be contacted.
Update 2: The winners have been announced!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Here’s the weekly giveaway!
Our Batman: No Man’s Land giveaway is complete (and some of you will be receiving happy little emails) but consider this the candy in your stocking.
Plus, one week from now is New Years! So double celebration, eh?
What’s in the TRO stocking?
20 copies of Batman: The Dark Knight Adventures!
I’m feeling particularly jolly towards you early Christmas risers, so half will go to the first ten commenters and half will be randomly selected among the remaining comments.
In the comments let’s chat about what geeky swag you got or gave this season!
As for the book, also called Batman: The Collected Adventures Volume 2 in the first printed edition, which all these copies are, it contains Batman Adventures 7-12 in the DCU Animated Universe.
Each copy is unused, with only light age fading the edges of the pages.
In addition to the comics, there’s an introduction by Batman: The Animated Series creator Bruce Timm.
The stories are light on continuity and enjoyable to readers of all ages.
You may also take particular interest in issue 12 of this collection, containing the very first appearance of fan favorite Harley Quinn in comics!
While she was introduced in the show and her addition into mainstream continuity would be around 1999, Girl’s Night Out has the honor of bringing Harley’s lightly deranged smile to print readers.
The contest will close with winners notified (and announced) as usual, but I’ll probably be shipping these out in small batches instead of the immediate following monday – so it might take a week or two for them all to be mailed.
And that’s it!
After you’ve read the summary details below, tell me about that holiday haul!
The Rundown:
(20) Prizes: Each winner gets a copy of Batman: The Collected Adventures Volume 2
(10) Quick Comment Winners: The first ten logged in commenters on this post will each get a copy of this book!
(10) Random Comment Winners: Ten more logged in commenters will be randomly selected from the remaining comments.
Eligibility: You must be registered and logged in when you comment to be eligible. You must also be in the continental USA for shipping purposes. If you are overseas and want to pay for the shipping yourself, feel free to enter, but keep in mind that it will probably be more expensive than just buying the book.
Deadline: You have until 11:59 on New Years Eve, Friday, December 31, 2010. The winners will be contacted soon after.
Merry Christmas :)
Goooooood morning! Just remember that you need to be logged in if you’d like a copy :D
I should just temporarily disable non-logged in commenting, I suppose.
The geekiest thing I gave was the brooch from The Hunger Games (to my wife). People have given me JLA One Million and the second volume of the Resurrection series, both of which make me very happy :)
Very nice! And glad you got in a logged in comic just as quick – though it seems you’re a fan of speed ;)
my love of comics (and other dorky things) is well known, but no one usually gets me comics related swag since no one knows what i don’t already have. but, my mom volunteers at a thrift store and had a brand new package of marvel mini-mates come in, which she snagged for me. first mini-mates i’ve gotten and it’s a good one. new x-men era phoenix, wolverine, magneto, and professor x. and my girlfriend and i have yet to exchange gifts. almost guaranteed to get something geeky since she knows me best of all. in the past from her i’ve gotten essential dr. strange vol. 1, an old fleischer brothers cartoon superman poster (but in spanish so it says superhombre), and a collection of mini pewter futurama figures. pretty awesome
haha I know what you mean! I was surprised I got anything comic related at all, but I suppose it was safer of them to bet that I might not have something related without actually being comics.
Course, if I end up with doubles of anything, they’ll just end up in the giveaways pile anyway.
Merry Christmas Ian!
Thanks to your site I “had to” grab 4 more trades last night from Amazon and salivated over many more. “Thoughts of Sugar Plumes…” More like thoughts of JLA :-)
Merry Christmas!
Which ones did you get? :D
I purchased
JLA 19: World Without a Justice League (just finished Tonado’s Path, AMAZING!)
Batman: Under the Cowl
Superman 3-2-1 Action (started reading a ton of DC trades in order, thanks to this great site, post Crisis)
Blue Beetle: Reach for the Stars (I was shocked at how much I enjoyed Shellshocked and I just finished Road Trip)
All for $25 from Amazon!!!
Not bad. Can usually find something I want at Amazon.
Merry Christmas! The geekiest thing I got this year was brand new Green Lantern and Shazam t shirts since my old ones are worn out.
I’ve got a surprisingly small amount of comic related wear. Actually, just a “what would batman do” shirt from Chris Hasting (of Dr. McNinja) and a somewhat awkwardly posed Thor shirt I got at target some years back.
I figure I’ll chime in myself (this won’t count towards the giveaway, of course – still 6 of those early commenter books unclaimed as of this moment!)
I gave a fair amount of videogames via steam this year. But I just got surprised by some stuff this morning.
I was given The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by my future brother-in-law, which I’ve been looking forward to reading for some time. I also got The Artist Within by Greg Preston published by Dark Horse, which is a photo book with bios and examples from tons of comic and cartoon artists. I’d never heard of it, and it’s pretty darn cool.
Looks like they’ve learned of my interests already :D
Also got some eating on the cheap cookbooks – which is gonna be very useful ;)
Happy Holidays everyone!
Here in Germany we have the absolute snow-chaos and the whitest christmas I have ever seen. What’s it like in the US?
Either way, snow or no, I hope you all are happy with your presents (the gifts from Ian the Earth-Two Santa included) and have a great week until New Years.
I did see some light snow along the road up the eastern coast, but not really any up here in New Jersey. Definitely none in Savannah.
How deep is it over there?
If you ask me, it’s too deep. On the street in front of our house it’s around 15 centimeters, on our lawn two steps beside it it’s 30cm to 1 meter. Be that as it may, it’s really really white.
A meter ain’t bad. I remember ten foot drifts once in Massachusetts as a kid, that was pretty amazing.
Hey there, Ian…! Happy holidays, my friend. Hope all is well. I was lucky enough to get a couple of things this year that are, shall we say, geeky. :) The first was a t-shirt from the Broadway musical of Spider-Man. I know the show is doing horribly, but it’s kind of cool to be wearing this shirt at the moment. My buddies got it for me when they went to the show. In addition, I got a dvd of Marvel: Then And Now – A Night with Stan Lee & Joe Quesada hosted by Kevin Smith. Looking forward to watching that one. Finally, since my parents couldn’t decide which trade paperback to get me, they bought an Amazon gift card for me, which is just as great.
To you as well, Brian!
You know, that t shirt might be cool now and ironic cool soon enough ;)
Never heard of that dvd you mentioned, but I’ve got/seen all the evening with kevin smith dvds – so I’m pretty intrigued by it. I’ll have to seek it out!
I personally really love gift cards. A lot of the fun of comic collecting (for me) is finding odd treasures and sweet deals. Gift cards are like a double gift, because I get the fun of the hunt and the actual purchase.
Happy holidays, everyone! Oh, and free stuff? Sign me up! :D
I actually gave more geekiness than I received this year (for once)…I gave my mom The Complete Persepolis, my dad a book about Bill Watterson, and my brother the first two volumes of The Unwritten since he’s a Harry Potter fan.
Happy holidays, Marc! Sounds like a nice stack of books – great to involve your family in your obsession, haha
Hi, happy holidays! The geekiest thing I got is Scott Pilgrim vs the World dvd/bluray.
Not bad! I haven’t seen it myself, but I’ve heard good things :D
Merry Christmas everyone!
The geekiest gifts I got were The Batman Annuals Volume 1, The Batman Vault, some Superman socks (!), Superman The Movie Blu-ray and the Taschen 75 Years of DC Comics: The Art of Mythmaking paving slab. A good haul!
Awesome! I really want that 75 years book myself, but I’m hoping the price will go down eventually. Then I’d have to buy a table to keep it on.
I didn’t get as much geeky stuff as I’d like (I was REALLY hoping to get the Usagi Yojimbo Special Edition, but I guess I’ll have to drop my own cash on that) but I got 3 of the DC Animated DVD’s and a Secret Warriors trade from my brother.
And being a South Jersey guy myself, I’m anxiously awaiting the snow we’re supposed to get tomorrow/Monday! Not quite a white Christmas, but it’ll do.
I had to end up driving through that snow. I blame you!
I snagged a couple of travel/french press coffee mugs, Y: the last man vol. 5+6 and The Walking Dead 9 and 10 (just finished the compendium)
Have you read the end of Y yet? That book is really something.
Merry christmas. I had a good christmas mostely clothes and dvds my comics got sidetracked in the mail hopeFully they’ll make it. I did give away some nice tea sets. it was nice to see the family. Ill post about the comics I got when they come in. My parents are really keeping the secret.
USPS lost one thing I sent out, frustratingly enough, and bent the heck out of a book I got. I hope your stuff arrives safely!
Merry Christmas. I am hoping to use some new funds to get the special edition of Usagi Yojimbo. I started reading some later trades and really liked it. This is a cool give away. I think I might go watch some batman right now…
Looks like that’s a popular choice. I’ve never gotten into the Usagi books, but it looks like it may be a good place to start.
Merry Christmas all. Celebrating with a Batman: Animated Series DVD marathon. Hoping to spend x-mas money in the graphic novel aisle at HalfPriced Books sale today.
Are the comics there actually half priced?
It’s a used books chain where everything is 1/2 the cover price. Until 30th everything is an additional 20% off. Most stores I’ve been to have had several shelves of TPBs.
wow, awesome. I haven’t seen one of those before. When I was in japan I loved the BookOff stores, and it sounds a little like that.
Doesn’t look like they have any in Georgia :(
My mom(!) gave me Rebel Visions – The Underground Comix Revolution 1963-1975 by Patrick Rosenkranz. Very very cool gift from a very cool mom!
sounds pretty awesome. I don’t know that book, but that’s an amazing era.
My girlfriend gave me a copy of Before Mickey: The Animated Film 1898 – 1928 by Donald Crafton, and that was it for geeky swag this season. Now, mind you that, in commemoration of the anniversary of our relationship, this summer she gave me a copy of that limited Rocketeer edition, and other things are liable to show-up thorough-out the year for no other reason than her hope and expectation that I’ll enjoy them.
I have that problem as well – giving gifts randomly instead of being able to save them for specific days like Christmas. Not really a problem, though.
Batman the animated sereis was one of my favorite super hero cartoons. I loved it.
You have a nice girlfriend there Daniel, deff. a keeper, ha ha.
Wow this is the most amazing thing ever
I laughed when i first say it cuz its so ridiculous, in a good way
What’s so ridiculous? I mean, I know he’s dressed up like a giant bat..
This batman tv series is so much better than the stuff being put out today.
As I said my comics that I am getting for Christmas are still on the way, but so far the only “geeky” thing that I have gotten is my sister gave me the Ultimate Avengers and Ultimate Avengers 2 dvds. I havent seen these movies in years and it was a pleasent surprise. I have really been enjoying them, even though the Ultimates comic blows them out of the water. I have really enjoyed the special features that includes an interview with Brian Hitch and Mark Millar, good stuff!
are the Ultimate Avengers dvds in the same continuity as The Ultimates?
the ultimate avengers are stand alone animated movies that are loosely based off the first vol. Of the ultimates. So they are based off the comic but are in their own continuity
My kid WoulD love this.
It’s definitely a good book to share.
Oh, and I forgot my geek-gifts..I had to give them all to myself, but anyways:
100 Bullets Vol. 4
The Death of Superman /World without Superman/The Return of Superman
Batman Face the Face
The Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul
Final Crisis
and some of the first issues from the Brightest Day storyline (based on the reading order I found here)
I was so excited when I unpacked the package from amazon;)
But one gift I’m looking forward is still to come from a friend of mine, who is also into comics, and there is a pretty big chance that this gift will be geeky!
hehe I got some stuff for myself too, of course ;)
Big chance of winning this time :D
this year i got all 9 volumes of bone, in color. i also got the incredible 20th anniversary sandman poster, which i looked everywhere for. i gave my best friend the 24-hour comic by edited by scott mccloud and i liked it so much i’m ordering one for myself.
I’ve read that one, interesting little collection. Some of my friends have participated in the 24 hr thing when they do it yearly.
I’ve been looking at that as a possibility, but I think I would go for broke and get the Bone One Volume Edition. Looks like an interesting, not-so-little story.
strangely enough, i was visiting home and my little brother had a schoolastic book catalog and all 9 volumes were being sold for $60. and the collected edition is $40 or $45, i think, and in black and white. the huge volume is also pretty intimidating, haha.
It is an intimidating looking book. I’m thinking that when I make that purchase, I’ll want the OVE just because it would be nice to just go BAM, whole series; I get distracted easily and other things come out, so there’s no telling how long I’d take to buy nine separate volumes.
I just checked and I have vol. 1 so vol. 2 would go with it very well.
I got the following trades:
• Booster Gold: The Tomorrow Memory
• Green Lantern: Tales of the Sinestro Corps
• Green Lantern Corps: Recharge
• Green Lantern Corps: To Be A Lantern
• Green Lantern Corps: The Dark Side of Green
• Green Lantern Corps: Ring Quest
• Green Lantern Corps: Sins of the Star Sapphire
• Green Lantern Corps: Emerald Eclipse
• Ion: Guardian of the Universe – The Torchbearer
• Ion: Guardian of the Universe – The Dying Flame
• Star Wars: Dark Times – Blue Harvest
A great haul, and it seems green was the color of the day for me, with a touch of gold and blue! ;)
haha yeah, it’s a green christmas for you my friend.
and green is such a wonderful color!
I’ve become a bit addicted to the Green; I already had the rest of the [current volume] Green Lantern series in trade. Now I am ready for Blackest Night when it becomes available in paperback!
I couldn’t wait for the paperbacks, so I bought the HC of the Blackest Night…not as comfortable to read as a paperback, but the books look really good on my shelf :D
I figure I got into Green Lantern after Blackest Night started, so I can wait. Truth be told, I didn’t expect to be caught up this quickly!
Did you buy all seven Blackest Night titles? I want to be a completist with GL (because I can!), but I know that’s a lot to throw down at one time. I’ll probably pick up Blackest Night, Blackest Night: Green Lantern , and Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps first before I pick up the other four books. I just can’t see paying that much for the hardcover. Granted, it’s only $5.00 more, but that adds up with seven books. :)
It adds up, that’s true, but at that time (in summer this year) I was in a kind of frenzy for GL, and it was my birthday, so I gave them to me – I always have the best gifts for me:D
And yes I bought all seven books, plus the Agent Orange HC-version, and although a HC is more expensive, it is worth every dollar (or Euro, as in my case). And that completist thing: I want to be that too, just because I can!
Btw, speaking of completion (is that the word?): Does anybody know when the “DMZ”-Series from Vertigo will be all available as a TPB?
the completionist thing is my problem. If I started buying recent hardcovers, I’d start wanting every book available in hardcover to be hardcover. Right now I’ve limited myself only to books not available in softcover.
Not sure about DMZ. Is it still running?
The problem with liking the authors I do (Morrison, Johns) is that their stuff tends to come out in hardcover because they are in so much demand. And that only makes my wait that much longer. :(
yeah, I know the feeling. Sometimes it’s even worse.
Superman / Batman: Torment HC – May 2008
Superman / Batman: Torment SC – February 2011!!
What the hell is with that??
That’s about standard; it can sometimes take a year.
dude, that’s almost three years. For a title with superman and batman on it, that’s very weird. It’s one of the only ones with lag like that (I watch DC solicits pretty closely). There’s the Joker HC, but that’s an ogn, so it’s a little different.
Yeah, wow, I totally misread that 2008 as 2010. Fail.
So actually, you’re right; that’s ridiculous. My bad. :)
They actually already released softcover for later volumes too – it’s like they forgot this one.
I’m in the same boat. I read all of the Geoff John’s GL/GLC this year and I’m dying to read the Blackest Night but once I start buying the HC version I know it will be a slippery slope of buying the rest of them in HC. It’s such a long wait until summer of ’11 for the paperbacks….ugh.
It really is a domino effect, isn’t it? I have some hardcovers, but that’s because I got them on clearance (one from a giveaway here!) or at a used book store for half the paperback cost. I was thinking about picking up just Blackest Night, Blackest Night: Green Lantern , and Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps in hardcover and then the supplemental books when they’re released in paperback, but then I got to thinking about the pros and the cons.
Pro: I’d get to read them sooner! (Really, is there any other pro worth mentioning?)
Con: I’d probably want to get Brightest Day Volume One in hardcover. And then I’d want Green Lantern: Brightest Day and Green Lantern Corps: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns in hardcover, too. (Hell, probably Green lantern: Emerald Warriors Volume One in hardcover, too!
It is indeed a slippery, slippery slope. I’m just fortunate in that I have plenty of other titles to keep me busy until then, and I do look at it this way: Right before Blackest Night is released in paperback, I could always reread the Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, and Ion runs together in chronological order to really build up for the event! ;)
I have all of those individuale issues from the Trades you are talking about getting and they are deffinately worth the read. Although all you really need is the main story, and the GL/GLC tie ins from blackest night, everything else is really supplementary. But yes, blackest night and the lead up to it was very very good.
As for the lead up to balckest night, It depends on how much you want to get, The Main poin is that they introduce all the other corps. Red, Orange, and Blue in GL and Violet, Yellow in GLC (although yellow has been around before thay are primarely delt with in GLC) indigo is not introduced until blackest night starts. Out of these I would deffinately get the rage of the red lanterns (blue is also tied in with this story), and the agent orange story, they are the best in my opinion. Although I would probably try to get the GLC back to the sins of the star saphires. They are really good issues and introduce several of the new laws of the book of oa that pushes the corp closer to the blackest night.
If you want to go a little farther back I would highley suggest getting the sinestro corps war and Green Lantern Rebirth (if you dont already have them). Both are very good and really lay the first foundations for the blackest night. Rebirth, Sinestro Corps War, and Blackest Night can be seen as the three main parts of a large Green Lantern trilogy.
Fortunately, the paperbacks come out staggered, with Blackest Night, GL, and GLC coming out on the same date, followed by Black Lantern Corps (both volumes) about a week later, and then the last two books the week after that. I’m sure it would be nice to read Rise of the Black Lanterns, but I’m not as hell-bent on buying that one. Since Tales of the Corps introduces the Indigo Tribe, I’ll most likely buy that one.
As for Green Lantern, I picked up with Rebirth and have all the trades from then on. I got all of the Green Lantern Corps for Christmas (see above) as well as both trades of the Ion miniseries. (I’m actually waiting on book one to arrive, but I’ll be reading those as soon as it does!)
See, this is where they get us: Tales of the Corps collects “Tales of the Corps” issues 1-3 and then a lot of repackaged material. I’m glad I’m waiting on paperback for the supplementals.
And! Looking at Rise of the Black Lanterns, it’s a bunch of single issues of various comics, so that one is probably going to be a back burner trade for me.
Thats why I like collecting most of my comics in individuale issues, a little all along and not so much all at one time. Although I have been getting more into trades as an easy way to get whole stories that I missed or dont usually collect. Im currently trying to collect all the HCs for Bendis’s run on Daredevil. And several of the DC classics, such as the dark knight strikes again, All star superman, The long Halloween, and the killing joke.
I’ve just never been a fan of the flimsy feel of single issues. I reread my trades a LOT, and I feel like the single issues would not hold up as well.
The trades do make it easier to reread past stories, but I have always enjoyed the individale issues, I get a greater sense of collecting, and I can stay on top of the stories when they come out (waiting a year would drive me nuts), and the individuale issue gain in value a lot more. I just like coming home with my weekly stack and building up my boxes. Sure the trades are more accessible and I do get them for stories that I missed or to get cought up on longer runs (and they look good on a shelf), but to me you just cant beat flipping through an issue and flipping through the boxes of the evergrowing collection. I like to read stories as they come out and discuss what may happen next, you can get the excitement of the “to be continued” aspect of comics that you cant get with a trade. And you can still reread issue, just have to be carful hadeling them and protect them in the mean time (by bagging and boarding them), if you want them to say nice longer.
I just can’t get past the ads. I’d be surprised to learn any comics are really growing in value these days.
The ads can get annoying but I can easily over look it and I like the promos for upcoming events, its how I first learn about some stuff. And a lot of new comics are gaining in value, 1st printings of the big DC events like Final Crisis and Blackest night can already be sold for over 10 dollers, and when I saif that I meant that traditionally the individuale issues have mostly gainned more in value. And I think in 20 or 30 years the comics will be worth more than the trades. Not that I am looking to sell, I am not that kind of a comic collector, I love comics and I will hopefully pass my collection down to my grandkids one day (call me an optimist lol). I guess it is just openion (and I dont mean to turn this into a debate) but to me a large collection of issues means more than a big stack of trades, but like I said I get trades to. They are more accessible, and are the best way to catch up on whole stories or long runs, I like the bonus material that comes with them, and they do look good on a shelf.
I’m with you on the ads, even though they help keep the cost down.
And yeah, comics aren’t gaining value like the classics did because everyone is not only keeping them, but they’re keeping them in good condition.
I just don’t see the practicality of keeping things I want to read hidden away in a box. I’m quite fond of my bookcase of trades. 168 and counting! :)
oh there not hidden, just ones stored on a shelf and ones stored in a box, and I am quite proud of my comic collection, 20 boxes filled and counting!:) And im proud of my trades on the shlef to! I like comics period, I just usually get issues over trades, But I have been getting a lot of trades lately to catch up on whole runs and stories that were either printed before I was born or just didnt get in issues. I love the trade of the dark night returns I got for my birthday, and I asked for like 10 trades for christmas that I am still waiting on.:(
I am just one that gets the issues and then supplements (and bolsters) the collection with trades, but I like them both.
Tales of the Corps is really not worth having, it was one of the few things in blackest night that was very forgetable, although I did like the Saint Walker back story. And although all the superman, batman, jsa, flash, wonderwoman, etc. tie ins were mostely good they are not essential to understanding the main story. I would prbably just stick with the main story and the GL/GLC tie ins (which were very good), and if you really like one or two of the characters that they did tie ins for you can get them (I liked the superman, Batman, and JSA tie ins. I didnt like the wonderwoman, and Flash tie ins as much ). A lot of the tie in can start to run together, its basically just the main character of that tie in fighting black lanterns (mostely ones that they have an emotional tie to, such as past lovers or family, then usually a main event from the main story happens to give you a reference point, and that is about it. So I would probably just get the main book and tie ins and just pick a couple of the other tie ins that you are interested in to save money. Unless you are really into getting everything.
And this is why I keep thinking of picking up the hardcover of the main story and the GL/GLC tie-ins. Damn, I need to win the lottery!
Wow! That is a pretty good haul
No, they are loosely based off the comic, but they have their own continuity.
So, I don’t have any geeks on my list, but I got two trades this year from my sister: ‘Astro City vol 3’ and ‘Top 10: Book 1’ – very pleased!
I gave everyone a grab bag of 5 random comics for Christmas! I got my 3 year old niece a Darth Vader t-shirt. My little brother got me some graphic novels. My niece’s present to me was teaching me all about the Justice League (she can name every character. When I asked her if Spiderman was in the Justice League she was very offended).
Oh, geeky families <3
wait, every Justice League character? That’s a lot!
btw, if you want to be included in the giveaway, just make sure you’re logged in when you comment.
Oops! Okay, I made an account. :)
Yeah, I guess 3 year olds are like sponges. I make her watch French cartoons with me and it’s incredible how quickly she picks up on it!
My brother really is raising a little geek! She has comic books that she can’t even read yet, and runs around with superhero action figures!
(such a proud aunt)
haha awesome :D
Ok I got my comics for christmas and they were in good condition. I got a punch of 90’s green lantern issues (kyle is still my fav.). and a couple of x-men issues to fill out my collection, the following are the trades that I got
Batman: Year one
Batman: The Long Halloween
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born
The Dark Tower: The Long Road Home
The Dark Tower: Treachery
Bendis’s Daredevil vol. 3 HC
Superman: Earth One
Needless to say I was Happy, Happy New Year!!!
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All the great inventions, works of art, literature, sports achievements, music,
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