I had to do some more tweaking (to the comparison shopping system) to add in ISBN number fields for softcover and hardcover versions of collected editions. Again, the only book this is fully active on is Viking Glory: Viking Prince, which is a shame, because it’s one of the few I’ve tested with that doesn’t seem to actually have any results on Ebay or Half.com right now by ISBN for the softcover – no idea why, guess it’s too old/rare or just more often listed under the hardcover?
I also shifted the links around a bit and made it so they are not abbreviated on the book page. Hopefully that will make things easier to understand for site users.
On the book page, you can also now see the separate ISBN numbers for hardcover or softcover, if they are in there.
Question: About the listing display, do you guys like Ebay (Title) better or Ebay (Search) better for the link that sends you to a search by title?
The old isbn system will display as Ebay (ISBN) until they’ve been specifically noted as hardcover or softcover, and then they will display as Ebay (SC) or Ebay (HC). Same for the Half.com links.
Anyway, Beth has joined me in doing database work and got 20 Marvel books filled out today! After seeing me sitting here doing data entry for months on end, she’s decided she can help – truly this has become a family project.