Up Down

The header is up and side nav gone! The header includes the claim of being the most extensive reading order… it is as far as I know, though if I’m proved wrong I’ll happily change that.

Right under the header is a line that includes a counter of how many books are entered in the database. It says “more than” because some of the lines are technically for multiple books (like “prestige 1-4” or books that are sometimes sold as two volumes and sometimes sold as one omnibus or complete edition.)

I’ve also separated the “About” section in the sidebar into four parts: About, How To Use This Website, Feedback, and Links.

Not sure when exactly I did this, but I also added “Showcase Presents” and “Greatest Stories Ever Told” as tags, since they were requested.

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1 Comment Post New »

  1. is the shingles contagious wrote on at July 15, 2014 3:35 pm:

    Shingles rash can sometimes take longer to crust over in HIV-positive people with severely suppressed immune systems.
    of the body that lasts for a few days, followed by
    the rash. These shingles are usually superb insulators and some advanced ones provide a cooler inside in
    the summer months and a warmer inside during harsh winters.


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