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Holy CSV Database Import, Batman!

I formatted the rest of my spreadsheet database to let me upload it and shot it through the net tubes.

Of course, none of these books have full information and many of them don’t even have the partial information that the books in the DC Universe list have (such as issue publication date) but they all will have that information eventually. This way you can at least see what I’m working on, though, and I can start playing with layout and getting the code working so there are separate character databases for different publication universes and so on.

Here’s the skinny on the new books.

Vertigo Universe

Large amount of books added to the Vertigo Universe page! There was a small error in post order when uploading so there is no real reading order on that page yet, but I added all the Hellblazer, Sandman, Lucifer, and related trades that I had in my database.

Wildstorm Universe

Similar situation with Wildstorm. The books are kinda sorted into sections for each title, but not in a reading order really. I added all the books I had so far for Stormwatch, The Authority, Midnighter, Kev, Planetary and a few others.

Marvel Universe

Hooboy, this is gonna be the big one. Honestly, this is so far from completion that I’m not even considering it started. There’s a few books in there, but no reading order and in no way even a comprehensive listing of Marvel trades. It’s basically up so I can start testing differentiating between Marvel and DC in search functions, and so on. I’m not even going to think of starting putting a reading order together until DC is DONE.

Ultimate Marvel

However, there is a glimmer of hope for spider-fans, cause the Ultimate Marvel Universe reading order is pretty sound. It seems to have imported correctly and all the books are in reading order (and I’ve read them in this order and it works great!) It’s a tiny bit out of date, but for the most part should be helpful!


This reading order is also complete. It includes all the Buffy, Angel, and Spike comics available in trade (as well as a couple other random things that fit in) and worked perfectly. I put this order together before reading any of these comics and it was a thoroughly enjoyable trip to read them all for the first time following this list. As a huge Joss Whedon fan, I had to get this up as soon as possible.

America’s Best Comics

These might be linked in only the loosest of ways (really just by an imprint, kinda?) but I put them all on one list for now. Includes everything (that I knew of when I put it in the spreadsheet way back when) from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen to Tom Strong.


Fables started out as a self contained series, but since there were recently three titles coming out in floppy issues I figured it was time for a reading order. This list is in order and includes Fables, the OGN, Jack of Fables, and the Crossover volume.

Unplaced Books

Lastly, this is a category for unplaced books (obviously). This could be anything from a DC or Vertigo volume that hasn’t been put into the timeline or list yet or any self contained title that happened to be in my database (like Concrete or Transmetropolitan.)

Stay tuned for more updates today as I work these new books and lists into the site, add header descriptions and images, and try not to overwhelm myself.

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