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Here are this afternoon’s database updates.

I just got my copy of The Christmas Spirit in the mail, so I was able to place it in the reading order (and put up a cover, fill out the information, etc.) It’s an oversized paperback, the same size as the Spirit Jam, and the reprint quality is different than the archives. I’m glad to have it.

Simon noticed that Batwoman: Elegy (and the Deluxe HC version) was misplaced on the DC timeline, so it’s been moved to after Batman & Robin Vol. 1.

Mel was asking about the Birds of Prey 2003 prestige releases, which I didn’t know existed! I’ve added them to the database (Birds of Prey: Batgirl / Catwoman and Birds of Prey: Catwoman / Oracle) based on date, after the Catwoman trade that reaches into the first half of that year. The first issue seems to be a historical/backstory one, but I assume they are better read together, so I put them both in that one place. I’ll have to find out once I’ve been able to hunt them down myself.

Corey emailed me back in August about some Supergirl corrections and I’ve just now had a chance to get to it. First, I’ve updated Supergirl: Beyond Good and Evil by adding Action Comics 850 (and a cover image).

He notes that it should look like this:

Supergirl: Power
Infinite Crisis
Infinite Crisis Companion
Supergirl and LoSH: Strange Visitor
Supergirl and LoSH: Adult Education
Supergirl and LoSH: Dominator War
Supergirl and LoSH: Quest for Cosmic Boy
World War III
Supergirl: Candor

It’s been fixed (mainly by moving all the LoSH books immediately after 52 and before WWIII), and the rest of the timeline adjusted to make room for these new placements.

For the reasoning (which is a spoiler for 52, but obvious in retrospect) outline this block of text:

[“What happened was: at the end of infinite crisis, Supergirl gets zapped into the future and spends time with the LoSH (exactly four volumes worth of time). Then she gets thrown back to the present during 52 (during WW3 to be exact). “]

Thanks Corey!

I’m not exactly sure if that block of Supergirl books works better before or after 52 but I think this placement might be the best for now.

I’ve added covers for all the books in this post, so that’s 8 more in the database at least.

As always let us know if you have any advice on any of our lists! :D

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