This is a strange little chunk of time. The Doc Savage miniseries (released by marvel originally?) is a retelling of stories that were originally published and set in the 30s. It’s a Bronze Age book, though, and it’s possible it should go later in the timeline, so consider that one pencilled in.
The Sandman books are dated by the events in them to around 1938-1939, right before and at the start of the Golden Age of heroes. That ongoing series bumps up against the start of Earth-2 Superman and a little past, though only one trade moves past that point so far – I’m assuming they will release the whole SMT series eventually, though.
Here are the new additions to the order:
Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol. 1: The Tarantula
Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol. 2: The Face and the Brute
Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol. 3: The Vamp
Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol. 4: The Scorpion
Next update should finish SMT, and then after that we’re into the Golden Age!