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Been working pretty hard on figuring out some front page and other design stuff. What you see is sort of where I’m at right now.

Basically, I want to the front page to show the last five most recently edited items (books that I’ve added tags and pictures to, or in the long run, new books added to the database) and then the blog posts. Images are working for these, though I’d say both images are considered placeholders for now. I added little one pixel borders to this stuff as well… padding here and there, cleaned up some unseen code, etc.

Had to change the code for the images grabbed during the elseif loops because the border didn’t work on “object” tags, plus the “object” tags didn’t really work at all in internet explorer, since they were nested – the point was to display a placeholder image if, for example, the “character-name”.jpg (an automatically searched for image) was not found.

So for now the images will just be blank on the list and series pages till I fill them all in, since I’m just going to use regular “img” tags for those (there are few enough that I can see accomplishing that quick enough – for all 1000 whatever characters though? I’ll have to figure out some kind of placeholder script, though it would be cool if I can actually put up an image of every one.)

In other news, today I calculated that I’ve been spending roughly 35 hours a week on this project. Seems I got myself a second full time job and didn’t notice.

Edit: Just figured out why the posts were not displaying in order of most recently edited on the front page – somehow an extra query_posts snuck past me. I must be tired. I combined the two (the second one was just to subtract the news/blog category from the displayed posts) and it works, all hunky dory!

In celebration, I think I’ll go update a few books so they show up there.

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3 Comments Post New »

  1. ian wrote on at April 24, 2010 7:09 am:

    Test Comment!


    Ian replied on May 4th, 2010 at 8:08 am:

    test thread!


    Ian replied on May 4th, 2010 at 8:09 am:

    test second thread!


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