So I’ve added a couple more books to the database and the Recommended Reading Order.
The first is the 1998-ish Origins trade, Secret Origins: Featuring the JLA. Though this is an Origins trade, meaning it probably tells early stories in it, based on its cast and their looks on the cover I’m guessing there is a lot in it that ties into continuity around that time. I’m placing it right around when the contents came out, after JLA: One Million and before the Elseworlds interlude coming up at the end of 1998. The book has been fully tagged and updated.
The second is an upcoming release! It was brought to my attention on the CBR forums that someone found a solicitation for Justice League International Vol. 5 on and then also on! Looks like the book should be coming out around January 11, 2011. The guess is that it’s including issues 31-38 of Justice League America. I’ve placed it by date, which seemed to work well for the past 4 volumes, between Superman: Eradication and Sandman: The Doll’s House.
So I’ve filled out it’s info based on that information. No idea what the cover will be like, yet, but I’ve uploaded a placeholder like I did for Showcase Presents: Jonah Hex Vol. 2 (you hear me, DC? I will cry if this never comes out.)