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Green Lantern: Legacy – The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan

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Includes Issues:Original Graphic Novel
Original Publication Dates:May 1, 2002
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TPB Publication Dates:May 1, 2002
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Lists:Comics, DC Modern Age, DC Universe, Post-Crisis
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Unique Reading Order ID: 200901031200
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TRO Database Book ID:650 [More Info]

9 Comments Post New »

  1. Daniel wrote on at June 2, 2010 1:39 pm:

    Howdy, sir…hope all is well today.

    So, looking at the GL list I noticed a tweak for you. Legacy takes place before “The Power of Ion,” and factors into the plot of that one.


    Ian replied on June 2nd, 2010 at 3:13 pm:

    Right you are! I checked out the actual release date. Turns out to be May 1st, 2002, which puts it right before JLA Vol. 10.


    Daniel replied on June 2nd, 2010 at 4:38 pm:

    On the subject of GL, is there a good collection of Golden Age Lantern stories other than the Archive Edition?…seems like Showcase only does Silver Age stuff, but I’d like to read some old Alan Scott stories sometime.


    Ian replied on June 2nd, 2010 at 4:40 pm:

    no – not that I know of. It’s a damn shame, really. It feels like besides superman and batman, and a couple hardcover “greatest stories” collections, the only way to read any golden age stuff is through the archives. It’s tough on the wallet.


    Daniel replied on June 2nd, 2010 at 4:42 pm:

    No kidding. The GL archive is $55 used at Amazon — I’d like to read that, but if the choice is 6 trades or one archive, it’s not likely the archive is ever going to make it to the top of my list.


    Ian replied on June 2nd, 2010 at 4:46 pm:

    You can find it for 35 over at Silver Age Comics:


    They’ve got a standing price of 35 for any archive they get ahold of, except for a couple of them (seemingly.. like the rarities one).

    Even that’s out of my range though, I really can’t afford more than 25 for a book unless it’s insanely hard to get (like Nightwing Rough Justice, which I dropped 50 on after waiting for a year with an ebay saved search.)

    With enough patience, I think, I’ll be able to find them all for around that price on ebay.


    Daniel replied on June 2nd, 2010 at 4:57 pm:

    Yeah that’s still too much for me, for now anyway. I’ve spent that much on single books, but generally only when it’s an omnibus hardback that collects multiple trades worth of material. If the Archives were as big as the Showcase volumes, but HC and in full color I wouldn’t really have a problem paying $35 a pop. But that much for 200 pages…

    You mention ebay — that’s proved to be a mixed bag for me. On the one hand, I got a lot of the first 17 Ultimate X-men trades in VG/NM condition for $70 which was fantastic. On the other hand, I bought an OOP Green Lantern trade for $15. It was listed as being in good condition, but what I received was obviously a child’s copy: torn pages, binding falling off, and writing all over the cover.


    Ian replied on June 2nd, 2010 at 5:11 pm:

    Yeah, my feelings exactly. It’s why they’re ending up being almost the last thing added to this site – I took so long putting them into my own database because I didn’t want to be tempted to buy them. They feel so overpriced.

    Now that I’m reading my first one though, I’m really enjoying it. Although I feel like something is wrong with the color. It feels weird the way the art is printed – I think I may enjoy the ones that AREN’T restored better.

    I managed to get all the all star archives for 15 each in a big lot, which seemed very worth it to me.

    Ebay was awesome for collecting the Ultimate Marvel Universe. I swear they were all like 1-2 dollars each at times.

    It can be a mixed back, but you should be able to get your money back for something like that. I’ve always been able to in the past – if not through the seller being understanding, then definitely through paypal.

    The few times I’ve had to make a complaint are far outweighed by the amazing deals I’ve found. I’ve saved tens of thousands off cover price.


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