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Hulk: Gray

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Includes Issues:Hulk: Gray 1-6
Original Publication Dates:December 2003 - April 2004
TPB Publisher:Marvel Comics
TPB Publication Dates:June 15, 2005
ISBN-10:0785113460 (Softcover)
0785134484 (Hardcover)
ISBN-13:978-0785113461 (Softcover)
978-0785134480 (Hardcover)
Pages:168[More Info]

Lists:Comics, Marvel Modern Age, Marvel Primary Continuity, Marvel Universe
Characters:, ,
Edition:, [More Info]

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Unique Reading Order ID: 198411040000
Chronological List Value:2004.04
TRO Database Book ID:9114 [More Info]

2 Comments Post New »

  1. Marc wrote on at February 22, 2011 4:22 am:

    Not sure if you’re placing these “color” books by publication date or chronology (it’s valid either way, really), but if it’s the latter then this book should go right after the first Hulk Masterwork.


    Ian replied on February 22nd, 2011 at 4:29 am:

    they were shunted in there chronologically cause I wasn’t sure about placement. I really appreciate the tips on this kind of thing. I’ll get this one in a bit.

    Let me know for the other ones and I’ll move them too!


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