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Punisher MAX Vol. 1

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Includes Issues:Punisher 1-12; Punisher: The End
Original Publication Dates:March - December 2004
TPB Publisher:Marvel Comics
TPB Publication Dates:August 15, 2007
ISBN-10:0785118403 (Hardcover)
ISBN-13:978-0785118404 (Hardcover)
Pages:304[More Info]

Lists:Comics, Marvel Modern Age, Marvel Primary Continuity, Marvel Universe
Series/Event:, ,
Edition:, [More Info]

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Unique Reading Order ID: 198501240000
Chronological List Value:2004.12
TRO Database Book ID:9195 [More Info]

11 Comments Post New »

  1. Marc wrote on at February 23, 2011 3:10 am:

    This hardcover does not include Punisher: The End. I own it, and it only collects Punisher MAX #1-12.


  2. scorpioo wrote on at March 25, 2011 6:36 am:

    Punisher MAX is not in Marvel Primary Continuity, or am i wrong?


  3. scorpioo wrote on at March 25, 2011 11:37 am:

    I looking on internet and I´am not wrong – Punisher, Fury, Barracuda and Foolkiller are placed on Earth – 200111 http://marvel.wikia.com/Earth-200111 and all other MAX comics are palced on Earth 616


    Ian replied on March 25th, 2011 at 11:43 am:

    yeah, this is a tough one. You’re right – it’s not on Earth 616, but stuff on earth 616 DOES refer to the max stuff. sometimes jokingly (like, “you haven’t been seen around lately”).

    I think that not all of the Primary Continuity stuff takes place on 616 though, right? Like Age Of Apocalypse. You wouldn’t want to miss that, right?

    Maybe I should see what Marc thinks, I haven’t read the MAX stuff yet myself.


    scorpioo replied on March 25th, 2011 at 12:10 pm:

    But Age of Apocalypse are started on 616 and create other Earth and than it Ended on 616 like House of M and now Age of X – and all this event take affect to Earth – 616, but Punisher and Fury MAX take no affect to 616, only Punisher Born MAX.


    Marc replied on March 25th, 2011 at 2:46 pm:

    Primary continuity for sure. There is absolutely no reason to say otherwise, although some fans on the Internet have been claiming it’s in a different universe for years for some bizarre reason.

    You should take articles like that one with a grain of salt, for the most part. They tend to take one “fact” (in this case, Civil War Files’ mention of Punisher MAX being in a different reality) and then invent “evidence” to try and justify that. In this case, their “evidence” is that in his MAX comic, Nick Fury is “just as violent as Frank Castle and often had swear-laden dialogue.” Of course he’s more violent and he swears — it’s a MAX book.

    You could argue that that’s out-of-character for him, if you want, but that would be a flaw on the writer’s part, not evidence that he exists in a different universe. Using that same logic, Civil War would have to be out of continuity because of Millar’s off-base characterization of several superheroes, but we all know that isn’t the case.

    The fact is that the Civil War Files book, and many other similar handbooks, are known to be inconsistent when it comes to things like alternate universes. Some give one number to a particular universe, another will give a different number, and then another will completely exclude it from a “definitive” list of alternate universes.

    Why? Because those books are written by assistant editors and people in the collected editions department, not by people who have some voluminous knowledge of the Marvel Universe. Their sources of information are previous handbooks, not editorial mandate. And when they don’t know something (or simply have the wrong information) they make stuff up. I’m sure that’s what happened in the Civil War handbook.


    scorpioo replied on March 25th, 2011 at 3:13 pm:

    Ok thanks, for explanation.


  4. scorpioo wrote on at March 28, 2011 11:38 am:

    Ok but one more question – if u got right- why s Punisher MAX – Kingpin in your chronology placed before Realm of King ?
    Becouse in this comics book Kingpin anly is started be a King of New York mafia and Bullseye are only started his carier in comics Punisher MAX – Bullseye


    Ian replied on March 29th, 2011 at 10:56 am:

    I think it’s just placed by date, since I hadn’t read it. I’m not sure exactly where to place it by contents. Any ideas?


    scorpioo replied on March 29th, 2011 at 11:22 am:

    Really i dont know but Kingpin first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man #50 (July 1967)and in this comics he is boss of Mafia


    scorpioo replied on March 29th, 2011 at 11:41 am:

    But There is one little problem – Punisher started his carier in Punisher BORN in year 1971 in Vietnam war and in comics Kingpin MAX punisher is


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