These books are saved to your collection. Click one to travel to the database entry for that book or click the link next to it to remove it from your collection.
The collection feature is currently undergoing heavy development. Expect improvements, but realize you may have to go through and “collect” again if the database needs to be reset for some reason.
By selecting books to add to your list, you can keep a wishlist, see which books you’ve read by their check marks on the reading orders, or organize your collection.
At this time, sorting by reading order only works dependably for the DC Universe books.
Unfortunately, users are currently only able to keep one list in their collection. This includes any books they have selected. If you wanted to make another list (say to keep track of books you are hunting for), you would have to make another user account. This isn’t a very eloquent solution, but we’re working on it!
No books found. Remember, you must be
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No books found. Remember, you must be
logged in.