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Placement Notes:Legends Cycle II Book 1
Original Publication Dates:December 2002
TPB Publisher:Wizards of the Coast
TPB Publication Dates:December 2002
ISBN-10:0786928301 (Softcover)
ISBN-13:978-0786928309 (Softcover)
Pages:320[More Info]

Lists:Fantasy, Magic: The Gathering, Novels
Edition:[More Info]

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Unique Reading Order ID: 190001010035
Chronological List Value:2002.12
TRO Database Book ID:5518 [More Info]

1 Comment Post New »

  1. gaming_gar wrote on at August 12, 2017 9:31 am:

    The second legends cycle does not have anything to do with the first and take on a new aspect to the magic the gathering series. It has a very oriental feel to it. It’s a new continent so makes sense to have a different culture which is a unique change. It flows very nicely as it’s own block. It introduces a new character that is still prevalent to this day so it will be very interesting to see how the next mention of him will play out. Essentially this is the typical tyrant trying to take over the world but the use of an oriental aspect and “shadowy figures” added to the mix keep it interesting. This block doesn’t need to follow the first but why not.


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